Grateful to our fields, our company is committed to eliminate any harmful practice that can directly detriment environment or its final customer.

Our fields are highly equipped and efficient, with drip irrigation systems and an integrated pest and disease management.

Among our principals stand: reduction of pesticides, fertilizers and insecticides. We truly believe that it is with natural practices where we receive the best benefits from our lands.


We are highly compromised in taking advantage of agricultural technology, in order to bring to our client the best product in the market. Also, our company has quality standards from our fields to packing facilities, through highly qualify employees.

 Techniques such as protected agriculture, modern and efficient packing facilities, and integrated logistics management, the company assures the best tomatoes of the region. 

All of our product and packing material are FDA certified.


As a family business, we recognize that an essential part of our successful operation is the welfare of our community and employees. Because of this, the company generates a great social impact within the rural community where we are located. 

We are part of “Carlos Elizondo” foundation, which grants university scholarships for children of farm workers. More info in https://grupoceres.com.mx/fundacion.html 

Our main commitments are: 

– Create a support community for our employees.

– Overcoming education for the children of our day laborers.

– Medical assistance

– Nutrition and hygiene programs.

– Family education.